Is Corona Virus/Covid-19 a false flag, a hoax or true epidemic?
Rumors are circulating:
Is it a bioweapon being used by the globalists?
Was it designed to take down economies and to make Trump look bad?
George Soros, Bill Gates, vaccination mandates, martial law, military ops, big pharma—
“The word ‘coincidence’ does not describe luck or mistakes. It describes that which fits together perfectly.”
— Wayne Dyer
Let’s start with the official narrative, the one relayed by mainstream news programs, newspapers, many politicians, and so-called experts:
THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE: Covid-19 is a deadly virus originating in a seafood market in Wuhan, China, which swept the globe and is creating a pandemic of fearful proportion.
You’ve no doubt noticed a second or even a third point of view that tread on the side of “conspiracy theory” or “rumor.” Questions arise when the mainstream viewpoint clashes with alternative viewpoints that seem true, such as the public bashing of “Q,” which clashes with the obvious release of true information by that movement.
Here’s a summary of the alternative, or as some say, “The White Hat Point of View:”
The White Hat Point of View: The pandemic was planned in advance to take down Trump, but the White Hats (i.e. the “Good Guys”) knew about it and are instead using the “pandemic” for cover as they take down the deep state.
Furthermore, this plan has been revealed in advance by info drops relayed by “Q” and supported by the army of “Qanons,” anonymous researchers proving Q’s intel. As such it is part of the Grand Awakening initiated by Q, and in which the public begins to perceive what is truly going on behind the smokescreen of political bickering.
We will be presenting a series of posts addressing the expanding range of issues associated with Coronavirus/Covid-19.
For this post we’ll stick to facts pointing to the Awakening Public.
1. There are Indications the National Guard Supports Q
On Sunday Mar. 22, 2020 President Trump activated the National Guard in the worst hit Covid-19 states. Here’s a short video proving that at least one guardsman supports Q.
Who or what is Q?
In short, Q is a movement awakening the public to the true machinations of the operation to remove the deep state as headed by President Trump and White Hat operatives within and without the government.
Is the entire National Guard in support of Q?
Can’t say for sure. But we do know that Trump is using the National Guard in place of Martial Law. There is no Martial Law. That was part of a Deep State plot connected to Agenda 2030. Thankfully, that scenario has been averted.
A more in-depth explanation, and how Q ties into current events and Trump:
2. Qanons Report the Coronavirus Cover Op
What is a “Qanon?” The group of anonymous researchers who provide proof of Q drops.
3. Increasing Signs That People Know the Deep State is Going Down
Sometimes things make sense for a reason. This is when intuition and intellectual perception combine to increase your discernment.
A quick explanation of balanced discernment.
4. People are Noting that Corporate U.S.A. INC Symbols are Disappearing
In 1871 the corporate USA, Inc. was founded, subverting our authentic Constitution, and substituting instead a set of illegal corporate by-laws. This set of rules is a false constitution. It is what we have been answering to in court, what attorneys answer to, and which is promoted by the Deep State. Now it is coming down.
More on the Corporate takeover of the united States of America:
5. Adrenochrome Withdrawals are Occurring in Full Public View
For public adrenochrome withdrawals search social media for: #adrenochrome #adrenowithdrawal #pedowood
6. Proof The Trafficking Network is Being Busted is Circulating
The Coronavirus outbreak coincides with the arrests of the CJNG Cartel, whose prime business is human trafficking. Even trafficking drugs are no longer as profitable.
7. People are Noticing that Bad Guys are being disproportionately “diagnosed” with the virus
Here’s a running list being assembled by @Mspatriotplaner:
8. Bill Gates’ Depopulation Agenda is Being Exposed
Gates is very proud of his investment in pharmaceuticals. He is also a proponent of mass vaccination, benefiting those pharmaceutical companies into the billions of dollars. His ideals border on genocide, as proven in his infamous Ted Talk where he supports a drastic reduction in world population. His vaccines are proven sterilizing agents, as has been exposed in Kenya. They also accidentally kill–a lot. As a result, villages in Africa send out word when the vaccinators are encroaching, warning moms to hide their babies (true story).
9. Soros’ Involvement and Underhanded Dealings are Being Exposed
George Soros is a proven agitator who delighted in his work for the Nazis and who, over the past several decades, has channeled billions of dollars into organizations which deliberately subvert unity and true progressive movements that would strengthen the United States. The agencies he funds foster disruption and division. He is the reputed source beyond the violent faction known as Antifa. His wealth is beyond compare. His own homeland of Hungary has banned him from their borders. His far-ranging investments include a biotech company with an office in Wuhan. Coincidence? Not if it was intended for destruction.
The WuXi location in Wuhan on a 666 address: WuXi AppTec (Wuhan) Small molecule drug discovery and research services 666 Gaoxin Road East Lake High-tech Development Zone Wuhan 430075, China
“666.” Those that work against humanity are proven to love their symbols.
10. China’s Complicity and Involvement with the Deep State is Exposed
Here is just one example of the many developing stories. In this case, a Harvard scientist working the NIH and DOD was found to be colluding with Chinese Nationals.