What no one in the mainstream media or on the public stage will tell you, is that WHO –
like WTO, the UN, NATO, the IMF and the WB –
is a key piece in dismantling the deep state globalist cabal.
Here are ten reasons why Trump’s defunding of WHO is a very good thing.
It is also something no one in the public will dare talk about.
1. Director-General of WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who declared the pandemic, is a murderous puppet.
Known for numerous human rights violations in his home country of Ethiopia, Adhanom Ghebreyesus is responsible for an untold number of deaths after covering up at least three cholera epidemics there.
Ethiopian news, Satenaw says:
“In a move that can be interpreted as fraud by omission, he (Adhanom Ghebreyesus) failed to mention the fact that he is a top Executive and Central Committee member of the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF), a brutal and corrupt ethno-fascist political group mainly responsible for gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity in Ethiopia.”
With the help of Mercury Public Affairs, a high-end U.S.-based lobbying firm that calls itself a “high-stakes public strategy firm”, he (Adhanom Ghebreyesus) is hyping up his dubious successes: conquered malaria, destroyed HIV, reduced infant mortality, built thousands and thousands of clinics. But they never talk about the reality behind the exaggerated figures. Once a trusted right-hand man of the late tyrant, Meles Zenawi, whom Adhanom refers to as the “great leader”, he wasn’t an ordinary health minister (2005-2012) and foreign minister (2012-2016). He rose from a rank-and-file member of the TPLF to its central and executive committees. TPLF, where membership is mainly based on ethnic origin, and which is responsible for countless killings, torture, mass detentions and violent repressions. Its divide and rule system has instituted a highly discriminatory political and economic structure that has enabled it to dominate and subjugate the majority. Given his narrow-minded and ethnocentric experience, his aspiration to lead WHO is an oxymoron.”
2. WHO’s second-largest funder after the United States is Bill Gates, whose eugenics principles guide the organization.
” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest non-state funder of the WHO, having donated more than $2B in earmarked grants to the international health agency since 1998, and is the second largest WHO funder overall (after the U.S. government). Because Gates Foundation grant money is earmarked for specific programs, such as vaccine purchase, delivery and promotion, the Gates Foundation significantly influences the setting of WHO’s program priorities. “
“To say that the BMGF has become an important actor in international development would be an understatement. When it comes to global health and agriculture policies, two of its key grant areas, the BMGF has become probably the most influential actor in the world. It is also likely that Bill Gates, who has regular access to world leaders and is in effect personally bankrolling hundreds of universities, international organizations, NGOs and media outlets, has become the single most influential voice in international development.”
3. WHO’s mission is not to save lives but to further the depopulation agenda.
4. WHO is part of UN Agenda 21, now called UN Agenda 2030. What they don’t publicize is the plan to eliminate large segments of the world’s population through war and disease.
5. As Trump has claimed, WHO is the propaganda arm of China. What he does not state, is that China owns most of our politicians.
6. WHO poses a direct threat to natural laws and personal freedom.
7. WHO poses a direct threat to national sovereignty.
8. WHO exhibits an extreme conflict of interest particularly with regard to Big Pharma and its obscene profits.
“A joint investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has uncovered evidence that raises troubling questions about how WHO managed conflicts of interest among the scientists who advised its pandemic planning, and about the transparency of the science underlying its advice to governments.”
9. WHO has repeatedly been caught burying truthful reports advising less invasive cures in favor of those with the highest price tags.
10. Despite it stated mission WHO shows a continual disregard for human life over making profits.
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Lane Keller is a published author whose work and experience ranges from holistic health, geopolitics, to spiritual transcendence. For more, see www.lanekeller.com. For her Speak Project articles: https://projectspeak.net/category/lane_keller